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Returns an error if any custom "[RequiresVms*] attribute present on the calling function fails validation.


Assert-VmsRequirementsMet [<CommonParameters>]


MilestonePSTools includes custom attributes that are used to decorate certain internal commands and parameters where those commands or parameters are only supported when a specific feature is available on the connected VMS, or when the connected VMS is a certain version.

You may be familiar with validation attributes for parameters such as [ValidateSet('Option1', 'Option2')], [ValidateRange(1, 10)], or [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]. However, some entire commands in MilestonePSTools require the VMS version to be at some minimum level, such as the Set-VmsHardwareDriver command, and some commands require a certain VMS feature to be available such as the Get-VmsFailoverRecorder cmdlets.

PowerShell does not provide any utility for executing a validation method on a custom attribute unless that attribute is applied to a parameter, so the Assert-VmsRequirementsMet command can be added to any begin/end/process block and it will throw an error if there are any "RequiresVms*" attributes decorating your PowerShell functions or cmdlets.

The advantage of this is two-fold; your commands can be self-documenting in terms of minimum/maximum version requirements, and you do not have to detect these issues yourself or worry about having consistent error messaging as the validation errors will always be consistent.


  • Does not require a VMS connection


Example 1

function Get-SomethingRequiringMinimumVersion {

    begin {

    process {
        "This string will only be returned if the connected VMS is at least 23.1, or if '-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' is included when calling Get-SomethingRequiringMinimumVersion."


Returns a string message if the connected VMS is at least version 23.1. Otherwise it throws an error like 'Server version must be greater than or equal to ...'

Example 2

function Get-SomethingRequiringExactVersion {

    begin {

    process {
        "This string will only be returned if the connected VMS is exactly 23.1, or if '-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' is included when calling Get-SomethingRequiringExactVersion."


Returns a string message if the connected VMS is exactly version 23.1. Otherwise it throws an error like 'Server version must be exactly ...'

Example 3

function Get-SomethingRequiringVersionRange {

    begin {

    process {
        "This string will only be returned if the connected VMS version is less than or equal to 23.1, or if '-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' is included when calling Get-SomethingRequiringVersionRange."


Returns a string message if the connected VMS is less than or equal to version 23.1. Otherwise it throws an error like 'Server version must be less than or equal to ...'

Example 4

function Get-SomethingRequiringVersionRange {

    begin {

    process {
        "This string will only be returned if the connected VMS version is greater than or equal to 22.1 and less than 23.1, or if '-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' is included when calling Get-SomethingRequiringVersionRange."


Returns a string message if the connected VMS is greater than or equal to 22.1 and less than 23.1. Otherwise it throws an error like 'Server version must be greater than or equal to ...' or 'Server version must be less than ...' depending on the VMS version.

Example 5

function Get-SomethingRequiringMinVersionAndFeature {

    begin {

    process {
        "This string will only be returned if the connected VMS version is greater than or equal to 23.2 and if the RecordingServerFailover feature is available, or if '-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' is included when calling Get-SomethingRequiringMinVersionAndFeature."


Returns a string message if the connected VMS version is greater than or equal to 23.2 and the RecordingServerFailover feature is available. Otherwise it throws an error like 'Server version must be greater than or equal to ...' or 'The feature "RecordingServerFailover" is not available on your VMS.'



This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.






See Microsoft's NuGet package versioning documentation linked below for more information about the syntax for specifying minimum and maximum version numbers. The [MilestonePSTools.RequiresVmsVersion()] attribute supports all permutations of minimum, maximum, inclusive, exclusive, and exact version specifications.

For a list of available feature flags on your connected VMS, inspect the FeatureFlags property on the object returned by Get-VmsSystemLicense. Or simply run the command (Get-VmsSystemLicense).FeatureFlags | Sort-Object to display a sorted list of available features.

Version range notation