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Creates a new rule with the provided name and properties.


New-VmsRule [-Name] <String> -Properties <Hashtable> [-Enabled <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]


The New-VmsRule cmdlet creates a new rule with the provided name and properties. Creating rules in Milestone using Configuration API is similar to creating rules in the Management Client. You start with a name and optional description, and then submit these properties. In response, more properties are received. The properties are filled and submitted in multiple iterations much like stepping through a wizard in Management Client.

This cmdlet accepts a single, complete collection of properties, and goes through the process of adding a new rule until the Management Server finally returns an InvokeResult object with the ID of the newly created rule, or an error message.

Since rules can have a wide variety of triggers, conditions, and actions, each with their own unique property keys and value types, the best way to discover the property keys and values you will need is to create a rule in management client by hand, and then inspect that rule from PowerShell using Get-VmsRule. The Properties collection of the rule returned by Get-VmsRule can be used as a template when constructing your own rules.


  • Requires VMS connection and will attempt to connect automatically
  • Requires VMS version 20.1



Get-VmsRule | Get-Random | Foreach-Object {
    $_ | New-VmsRule -Name "Copy of $($_.DisplayName)"

Gets an existing rule at random and creates a copy by passing the Properties of the existing rule by property name from the pipeline, and supplying a name for the new rule.


You can use the following command to see the property keys and values for an
existing rule. That is how the properties for this example were constructed.

Get-VmsRule -Name 'Default Record on Motion Rule' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties
$ruleParams = @{
    Name       = 'Copy of Default Record on Motion Rule'
    Properties = @{
        'Description'                    = 'Created from PowerShell using MilestonePSTools'
        'StartRuleType'                  = 'Event'
        'StartEventGroup'                = 'DevicePredefined'
        'StartEventType'                 = '6eb95dd6-7ccc-4bce-99f8-af0d0b582d77'
        'StartEventSources'              = 'CameraGroup[0e1b0ad3-f67c-4d5f-b792-4bd6c3cf52f8]'
        'StartActions'                   = 'StartRecording'
        'Start.StartRecording.Delay'     = '-3'
        'Start.StartRecording.DeviceIds' = 'Camera[00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000]'
        'StopRuleType'                   = 'Event'
        'StopEventGroup'                 = 'DevicePredefined'
        'StopEventType'                  = '6f55a7a7-d21c-4629-ac18-af1975e395a2'
        'StopEventSources'               = 'CameraGroup[0e1b0ad3-f67c-4d5f-b792-4bd6c3cf52f8]'
        'StopActions'                    = 'StopRecording'
        'Stop.StopRecording.Delay'       = '3'
New-VmsRule @ruleParams

Creates a new copy of the rule named "Default Record on Motion Rule" which is present in all VMS installations by default. The Properties hashtable was created by copying the values returned by Get-VmsRule -Name 'Default Record on Motion Rule' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties.

Example 3

$genericEvent = Get-GenericEvent | Where-Object Name -eq 'MilestonePSTools Test Generic Event'
if ($null -eq $genericEvent) {
    $datasource = Get-GenericEventDataSource | Where-Object Name -eq 'International'
    $datasource.Enabled = $true
    $genericEvent = Add-GenericEvent -Name 'MilestonePSTools Test Generic Event' -Expression '"Test Expression"' -ExpressionType Match -DataSourceId $datasource.Path

$newRuleParams = @{
    Name       = 'MilestonePSTools Example Rule on Generic Event'
    Properties = @{
        'Description'                    = 'Rule is triggered by a generic event and creates a Rule Log entry.'
        'StartRuleType'                  = 'Event'
        'StartEventGroup'                = 'GenericEvents'

        # The expected value is the GUID of an internal object representing a hidden user-defined event used to represent
        # a generic event rule match. There is no way for you to know ahead of time what the ID for this internal event
        # is. The ValueTypeInfos collection for the StartEventType has the generic event name and this hidden
        # user-defined event ID, and the New-VmsRule cmdlet will attempt to find the correct value from the
        # ValueTypeInfos collection if you provide the display name of an event instead of the ID.
        'StartEventType'                 = $genericEvent.Name
        'StartEventSources'              = 'External[e8bd6cee-1119-4296-ba91-e3803e2c591e]'
        'StopRuleType'                   = 'None'
        'Always'                         = 'False'
        'WithinTimeProfile'              = 'False'
        'WithinTimeProfile.TimeProfile'  = ''
        'OutsideTimeProfile'             = 'False'
        'OutsideTimeProfile.TimeProfile' = ''
        'TimeOfDayBetween'               = 'False'
        'TimeOfDayBetween.StartTime'     = '08:00:00'
        'TimeOfDayBetween.EndTime'       = '08:00:00'
        'DaysOfWeek'                     = 'False'
        'DaysOfWeek.Days'                = ''
        'StartActions'                   = 'CreateLogEntry'
        'Start.CreateLogEntry.Text'      = 'A generic event has been triggered'
New-VmsRule @newRuleParams

Creates a rule based on a generic event which logs a message to the rule log. A generic event data source is enabled if necessary, then the generic event is created. Under the hood, generic events are represented by a shadow "user-defined event" and there's no API available for figuring out the underlying ID for the event triggered when a generic event rule is matched with data from an incoming TCP/UDP stream.

When creating a rule, you are presented with a collection of properties with a key, maybe a default value, and for Enum value types, a collection of "ValueTypeInfos" which describe a set of valid options to choose from.

If you supply the display name instead of a valid value, the New-VmsRule cmdlet will automatically compare the value to provided with the display names of the ValueTypeInfos for that property, and if a match is found, the display name you provided will be substituted for the internal value accepted by the Management Server. In the verbose message stream you will see a message like "Value for user-supplied property 'StartEventType' has been mapped from 'MilestonePSTools Test Generic Event' to '3c55a424-d341-4781-a806-dfb60d46789e'".

Example 4

$testUserDefinedEvent = (Get-VmsManagementServer).UserDefinedEventFolder.UserDefinedEvents | Where-Object Name -eq 'MilestonePSTools Test Event'
if ($null -eq $testUserDefinedEvent) {
    $invokeResult = (Get-VmsManagementServer).UserDefinedEventFolder.AddUserDefinedEvent('MilestonePSTools Test Event')
    $testUserDefinedEvent = (Get-VmsManagementServer).UserDefinedEventFolder.UserDefinedEvents | Where-Object Path -eq $invokeResult.Path

$newRuleParams = @{
    Name       = 'MilestonePSTools Example Rule on User Defined Event'
    Properties = @{
        'Description'                    = 'Rule is triggered by a user defined event and creates a Rule Log entry.'
        'StartRuleType'                  = 'Event'
        'StartEventGroup'                = 'UserDefinedEvents'
        'StartEventType'                 = $testUserDefinedEvent.Id
        'StartEventSources'              = 'External[e8bd6cee-1119-4296-ba91-e3803e2c591e]'
        'StopRuleType'                   = 'None'
        'Always'                         = 'False'
        'WithinTimeProfile'              = 'False'
        'WithinTimeProfile.TimeProfile'  = ''
        'OutsideTimeProfile'             = 'False'
        'OutsideTimeProfile.TimeProfile' = ''
        'TimeOfDayBetween'               = 'False'
        'TimeOfDayBetween.StartTime'     = '08:00:00'
        'TimeOfDayBetween.EndTime'       = '08:00:00'
        'DaysOfWeek'                     = 'False'
        'DaysOfWeek.Days'                = ''
        'StartActions'                   = 'CreateLogEntry'
        'Start.CreateLogEntry.Text'      = 'User defined event has been triggered'
New-VmsRule @newRuleParams

Creates a user-defined event, and then a rule to log a message in the rule log when the user-defined event is triggered.



Specifies whether the rule should be enabled.

Type: Boolean
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: EnableProperty

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: True
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies a name for the new rule.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: DisplayName

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies a collection of properties either as a hashtable, or as list of objects, each having a Key and a Value property. For example, you can pass in the Properties collection from the result of Get-VmsRule and the Key/Value properties from each of the properties in the collection will be automatically converted to a hashtable when calling New-VmsRule.

Type: Hashtable
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: cf

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: wi

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.


